As I was emerging from sleep this morning, I distinctly heard the word Walhalla.
I followed the lead. And came across the Walkyries. Corpse goddesses, in the shape of carrion-eating ravens or carrion-crows, and riding wolves on the battlefields. Also seeresses.
The Walhalla, as defined by the CNTRL
Séjour éternel d'Odin où les guerriers tués au combat ou lors d'une action héroïque continuent de jour à mener des combats sans mort ni blessure et de nuit à s'adonner à des festins et beuveries d'hydromel servis par les Walkyries dans les crânes de leurs ennemis.
Encapsulates it all. Attractions and rejections. The good and the bad. Wolves, crows and ravens, the sky, woods and forests, flesh and blood, offals or giblets and bones, riding with no boundaries, fighting and torturing, Scotland and Scandinavian countries, and so much else.
But not only. I also came across Wilhelm Herschel, a famous astronomer who lived in the 18th century. Born and raised in Germany, he later migrated to England. Again, wow.
What else is possible?
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